F.O.R.T. ‘Pie Debye’

Welcome to the site of F.O.R.T. ‘Pie Debye’.

The F.O.R.T. is the bar of the Faculty of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering of Eindhoven University of Technology. The name is an abbreviation for Faculteit OntmoetingsRuimte T. (which roughly translates to: Faculty MeetingRoom T.).

You can find information about the history of the bar and her committees, Pie Debye, our offer in drinks and food and upcoming and past activities on this site.

If you are still left with questions or just plain curiosity, you should definitely stop by during the Thursday drink or subscribe at Japie for one of the many activities we host.

If that is not quite the way for your particular question you can always call, send an e-mail or stop by.

We hope to see you soon,

The 37th committee F.O.R.T. ‘Pie Debye’
Gotta drink 'em all!

Thursday drink countdown:
2 days
8 hours
23 minutes
33 seconds

SepSepOctOctNovNovDecDecJanJanFebFebMarMarAprAprMayMayJunJunJulJulAugAug159118819559639107 kegs in the last 12 months